Business breakfast: “The role of the European Investment Bank for the business development”
L'événement est terminé.
Dear members and partners,
The Belgium Bulgaria Luxembourg Business Club,
the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce and
the French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
have the pleasure to invite you
on a joint business breakfast dedicated
to the European Investment Bankand its representation in Bulgaria
on the following topic:
“The role of the European Investment Bank for the business development”
on the 9th of May 2018, 8:45 in the meeting room of UBB, 22nd floor, 89B “Vitosha” Blvd., Millennium Center
In presence of
H.E. Mr. François BONTEMPS, Belgian Ambassador to Bulgaria (tbc)
H.E. Mr. Herbert Salber, German Ambassador to Bulgaria (tbc)
H.E. Mr. Eric Lebédel, French Ambassador to Bulgaria (tbc)
Andreas Beikos, Head of Office, EIB Group Office for Bulgaria, will present to the audience the main priorities and the related financial tools.
Draft program:
8:45 – 9:15 Breakfast and registration
9:15 – 9:30 Official opening
9:30 – 10:00 Presentation of the EIB by Mr. Andreas Beikos
and Mr. Hristo Stoyanov, Mandate Manager
10:00 – 10:15 Q&A Session
10:15 Networking break
Kindly hosted by:United Bulgarian Bank
Working language: English
Participation fee: 35 BGN members of the chambers; 55 BGN non-members
Please register until the 7th of May at Konstantina.karanesheva(@); 02/981 08 64
Sincerely yours,
Frank Jansen, President of BBL Club
Dr. Mitko Vassilev, CEO of GBCIC (AHK Bulgaria)
Vessela Todorova-Mosettig, Director of CCIFB
Business breakfast: “The role of the European Investment Bank for the business development”
L'événement est terminé.