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Hyatt Regency Sofia opens in September 2020

As of September, the brand new Hyatt Regency Sofia will set the stage for dynamic interactions – where guests can come together to socialize, collaborate and celebrate safely. The property is the first Hyatt-branded hotel in Bulgaria, located in the heart of Sofia on Vasil Levski Square, soon to become the new premium venue for smart accommodation, inspired events and effortless meetings. The hotel’s spacious rooms and exclusive event spaces, combined with premier facilities, customised offerings, and superior service, will provide elevated hospitality experiences for business and leisure travelers alike. Hotel guests can choose from 183 spacious rooms, including 22 suites and an elegant presidential suite overlooking the monument Vasil Levski and Alexander Nevski Cathedral. 

Members of CCI France Bulgarie can take advantage of Hyatt Regency Sofia opening promotions and book here:, using the corporate number: 14872



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