
The Corporate responsible companies to apply for a „Green Oscar“ by 26-th of May


The online application form for The National Contest „The Greenest Companies in Bulgaria 2015“ will be active from the 25th of April to 26th of May, 2016. The contest is organized by b2b Media.


The campaign is in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Waters.


The Sixth edition of the National Contest, which has become a symbol for the responsible and eco-friendly business, includes 13 categories and will grant engraved trophies & awards for companies, municipalities, NGOs and individuals.


The companies that show the best results over the last year will receive not only a „Green Oscar“ but also a special „Green Certificate“. It will be granted to all organizations which cover the criteria for participation and have applied online in the period: 25 of April – 26 of May, 2016.


For the first time in the contest there will be a special category for „green“ startups and green ideas. It is for seed companies, entrepreneurs, researchers, non-formal teams and students, which have the opportunity to present their „green business ideas“.


The online application form is available on the website of the contest:


The official ceremony will take place on 8th of June, 2016.



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