Actus des entreprises

Deloitte Bulgaria new business line "Global investment and innovation incentives" (Gi3)

Deloitte Bulgaria  is pleased to present to you its new business line "Global investment and innovation incentives" (Gi3). Its network includes over 200 experts in business consulting services with a focus on identifying funding opportunities for projects in private and public sector.

Deloitte’s extensive experience in consulting business and public sector includes government and grant support (European Structural and Investment Funds, centralized programs of the EC (Innovation fund, LIFE, Horizon Europe), Norwegian grants, Financial Mechanism of the EEA, financial instruments, state aid, public procurement, incentives, etc.

The team of professionals in the new Gi3 service is available to assist you with the whole process - both with preparation and management of projects financed under national or centralized grant programs.

Using market leading technology tools, coupled with Deloitte’s understanding of best practices gained from years of experience, the team can assist in identifying and delivering the most suitable incentive opportunities.

For more information about their services and available grant programmes, please visit:  

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