
Deloitte Bulgaria: Seminar "Financing for sustainable enterprise transformation in the context of the green transition"

Deloitte Bulgaria is pleased to invite you to participate in a seminar on "Financing for the sustainable transformation of enterprises in the context of the green transition". During the event will be discussed the opportunities to apply for grant funding under the LIFE Program, National Recovery and Sustainability Plan and Innovation Fund.

The main objective of the event is to familiarize participants with the upcoming calls for proposals for companies and at the same time stimulate an open dialogue on the following topics:

  • Climate mitigation and adaptation;
  • Introduction of circular economy solutions in enterprises;
  • Implementation of innovative technologies to reduce greenhouse emissions in enterprises.

Date and location: 12 July (Wednesday), 10:00 - 12:30 ч., 103 Aleksander Stambolijski Blvd., fl. 6 (office Deloitte Bulgaria) 

Working language: Bulgarian

Participation fee: free of charge*

*Number of participants is limited. 


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