Ipsos webinar: ESG Are we making progress?



REGISTER HERE : 11AM or 5PM Central European Summer Time






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45 mins + 10 mins Q&A



25 April 2024




Simon Atkinson

Chief Knowledge Officer, Ipsos


Priscilla Branco

Senior Manager, Corporate Reputation and Public Affairs, Ipsos in Brazil


Jane Lattimore

APAC Lead, Market Strategy and Understanding, Ipsos


April Jeffries

Global Leader, Ethnography and Immersion, Ipsos






























Recent years have seen organisations around the word coming under increasing pressure to do business more sustainably. ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) considerations are now a key part of many companies’ strategies and roadmaps.

Our annual survey of corporate communication professionals finds 63% saying that ESG has “fundamentally changed the way our business operates”. But how can we translate this imperative for change into authentic, meaningful achievements?

These are not easy topics. For many people, given today’s uncertainties, climate change now falls into the "important but not urgent" category. When it comes to how to build stronger and more inclusive societies, the political consensus can be lacking. Meanwhile, regulatory frameworks vary from place to place.

The next episode in our KEYS webinar series finds us taking stock as we explore where progress is being made and discuss the challenges that lie ahead.

On the agenda:

The Climate of Opinion: We review how people around the world feel about different aspects of the ESG agenda, including a special feature on our new Earth Day survey. At the heart of our considerations: how can organisations transfer the desire for action into genuine, impactful behaviour change?

Brazil: The View from Here. We take a look at how the ESG agenda has been resonating in Brazil, exploring the intersections between social and environmental challenges, the state of public opinion and the role of business and government in this context.

Diverse Challenges: Asia Pacific is home to more than half the world’s population. But the ESG context varies significantly by country and culture. We take a look at how nations, businesses and citizen-consumers have been adapting in different parts of the region.

The Vibrant Fringes: The term “fringes” refers to niche or unconventional segments of the market that exist outside the average consumer base. But people on the fringes are often the source of disruptive innovation, breakthrough ideas and new trends. We explore how listening to voices from the fringes can unveil opportunities for growth.  

We do hope you will be able to join us.

The sessions will include a Q&A with our presenters.

All KEYS Webinar recordings and presentations are available here





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