
Ipsos Webinar: KEYS - THE ESG IMPERATIVE People - Planet - Prosperity - 08 June



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55 minutes



08 June 2023




Simon Atkinson
Chief Knowledge Officer, Ipsos

Lauren Demar

Chief Sustainability Officer & Global Head of ESG, Ipsos


Radhecka Roy

Global Leader, Strategic Curation, Ipsos


Manuel Garcia-Garcia

Global Leader, Neuroscience, Ipsos




Organisations around the world are coming under increasing pressure to do their business in a more sustainable and equitable way. As a result, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) considerations are now a key part of companies’ strategic plans and roadmaps.

The challenges set out in the ESG agenda are not news to the global public. Inequality and corruption regularly feature among the top issues in Ipsos’ What Worries the World monitor. Meanwhile, 80% say “we are heading for disaster” if we don’t change our habits quickly.

At the next episode in our KEYS webinar series, we’ll be exploring how we can all do a better job in building a more sustainable future. Using the latest evidence, we consider the issues at hand from the perspectives both of organisations and of people living their day-to-day lives. 

Everything Everywhere All at Once: Business leaders are clear that ESG is already fundamentally changing the way their business operates. They acknowledge that poor ESG performance has material consequence. We’ve been reviewing how organisations can best respond to what may feel like an overwhelming topic. 

ESG through a Cultural Lens: We present new analysis exploring the dimensions that influence sentiment and shape our behaviours. Are the language and semantics around ESG adding to a sense of being overwhelmed or confused? And what can we learn from how people in different countries and contexts relate to their community, their society and the wider world more generally?

More Equal than Others? Despite general agreement that inequality is a bad thing, it is actually widening in many parts of the world, impeding the progress and growth of individuals, companies and countries. A new Ipsos guide looks at how research can improve our understanding and help us start to close the gap.

We do hope you will be able to join us.

The sessions will include a Q&A with our presenters.

All KEYS Webinar recordings and presentations are available here.






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