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PlovDev collected over BGN 10,000 for charity

The charity event organized by Proxiad SEE raised over BGN 10,000 in support of the Teach for Bulgaria foundation

The 10th edition of the PlovDev conference took place on November 24 and 25. For the third time the event welcomed its guests online. Thanks to the sponsors of the event and the interesting lectures, the jubilee edition managed to raise twice as much money as last year - over BGN 10,000 - said the organizers from Proxiad SEE. The funds will be donated to the Teach for Bulgaria foundation and their Model Schools program.

The PlovDev 2022 program sparked the interest of over 400 specialists in the IT industry who registered for the event. The audience learned a lot about 3DS security protocols, Go application testing tools, .Net Minimal APIs technology, Cloud-native software development, what it's like to be a blockchain engineer and more exciting topics thanks to the speakers and their lectures.

This year, for the first time, a panel discussion on "How to deal with legacy systems" was held, in which specialists participated and shared their experiences and good practices.

Also, everyone had the opportunity to talk with the teams of the event's sponsors in their virtual booths. This year they were Uber, Progress, Draft Kings, Dela Sport, Dreamix, Intellias and PokerStars.

We're happy to see the conference expanding and evolving every year, and we can't wait for the next edition. We expect even more people to share experience, good practices and ideas with. - Proxiad SEE said.

Hosts of the event: Radostina Stoilova, Deputy Head of Service Center at Proxiad SEE, and Mihail Merkov, Technical Manager of Proxiad SEE.

If you missed the conference, watch the PlovDev 2022 lectures online now. Find more information about the event here.

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